The million-dollar question: How to appear on Google’s first page?

Did you know that more than 80% of users who search on google just stick to the first page of search results? For those users, if you do not appear, you do not exist! It is not enough to be online, it is necessary to appear and for that it´s essential to have a good position on Google.

Maria Cabral de Sousa
Mar 2 2020 • 4 min reading
The million-dollar question: How to appear on Google’s first page?

There are two ways of being at the spotlight in google search results:

  • paying, doing campaigns with paid ads on Google Adwords, focused on pay per click
  • not paying, also known as organic positioning, focused on SEO - Search Engine Optimization - which is characterized by a set of optimization methods that make your site appear in search results free of charge.

Today my focus will be on the organic positioning of a website. Your company's website must "deserve this spotlight on Google". For that to happen, let me be very clear on one point: there are things that depend on you and others that depend on the know-how and technical capacity of the company that developed your site. If everyone's job is well done, the road to success is outlined.

Here are some tips for Google to consider your site relevant ... in what depends on you:

  1. Optimized content - the texts you write on your website must be clear, objective and have relevant keywords. Google “reads” the texts that are on each page of your website and if you want to be found by a certain word or phrase, you have to write it! otherwise how do you want Google to consider you relevant on those words? [read article “Why is content so relevant in this google world?”]
  2. Up-to-date content - keeping your site up to date, with news, articles and knowledge is important, it shows Google that your site is dynamic in terms of content and remains “alive and well”. [read article: “the biggest risk is not to spoil, it is not to update”]
  3. Links - there are three types of important links to consider when working on the contents of your website: inbound links, outbound links and internal links. Inbound links are links from other relevant sites that point to yours, showing Google that there are other entities that consider your site relevant. Outbound links are those that, throughout your site, point to other relevant sites. Internal links are those that interconnect the pages of your website facilitating google linking between pages and also the usability of the site for to real users. If you can, work on all these links ... if it's too much, focus on inbound links first.

And now some tips for Google to consider your site relevant ... that depend on the know-how of the company that made the site:

  1. Security and accessibility - having a secure website with SSL certificate is important and having a website accessible to google, with an organized source code and sitemap.xml submission is essential.
  2. Mobile friendly - having a truly mobile friendly website, optimized for all browsers and devices: desktop, tablet and phone, is essential not only for its users - but also for google to value it in search results made on mobile.
  3. Technical SEO - HTML optimization, dynamic URLs per page, definition of dynamic meta tags (title and description) per page and the redirection of old URLs to new ones to keep “historical indexing” is very important. You don't have to understand all of this, but it is essential to ensure that whoever made the site understands it!
  4. Speed ​​- it is essential to have a fast website in terms of page speed in both desktop and mobile versions. But beware: you cannot look at page speed without looking at the type of site strategically important to you. If your website is very strong graphically, with many images and animations it is normal to have a worse page speed, but it is important to communicate your position to those who visit it. The compromise between graphics and page speed must be taken into account.

An SEO strategy with quality and focus, oriented towards a good organic positioning archives more qualified results and generally requires more investment in the short term, but less recurring investment on mid and long term, because you don't have to keep paying (making ads) to appear on google.

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