Why is content so relevant in this google world?

Content is considered one of the most powerful online marketing tools. 
Google values ​​the quality and objectivity of content.

Maria Cabral de Sousa
Oct 15 2019 • 2 min reading
Why is content so relevant in this google world?

If you regularly produce quality informational content, you will be seen by Google as "an authority in that particular subject".

Content allows users to connect with your brand and your business. Through content, people feel and experience your firms ‘values and knowledge base. Interested users come to your site only if the texts, articles, news, and words written by you contain the right words of attraction. You can only attract visitors by giving users what they are looking for. People search for specific words on Google.

It only matters that people who are really interested in your services or products find you. Use relevant words in the texts and articles you produce, Google will match the words that users type and show them links to pages on your site as a result. The more visits you convert to the site, the more credit Google gives you, it works like a snowball: the more you publish, the more you appear on google, the more clicks you may have to your site… and trough content you become more relevant and google gives you importance.

Here are some specific tips to use when producing TEXTS for your website:

  • Title: in the titles of the articles you write (news, newsletters, highlights, events, ...) use the right words that summarize the subject. Avoid exceeding 65 characters.
  • Description: In the texts you write for your site, either on the more static content pages (who we are, services, ...) or on the articles you write most regularly (news, newsletters, highlights, events):
    - write in the first paragraph of the description the most important words and avoid exceeding 160 characters
    - In the following paragraphs keep using relevant words by which you want to be found
    - throughout the text highlight with bold the most relevant words

Here are some specific tips to use when using FILES on your website:

  • give PDF files you put on your site the right name according to the theme you cover in that document
  • name the images as their “captions”. The name you give to images is indexed by search engines
  • name videos as “subtitles,” use videos that are compatible with all devices. Use mp4 format or upload to youtube
  • the name you give to files is important and should include the relevant words of the file theme
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