The client is always the priority: understanding their needs is fundamental

The client always comes first! Valuing the client means, above all, knowing how to listen, understanding their needs and designing a solution that meets their objectives.

Madalena Moreira Rato
Jul 23 2024 • 3 min reading

The Interview Diaries: 10 Questions with Tânia

It's Tânia's turn in our Interview Diaries. She's our ‘lynx eye’, because nothing escapes her.

João Amador
Jul 16 2024 • 5 min reading

Tennis and Web Design/Web Development: A parallel journey

With the famous Wimbledon week approaching, it seemed appropriate to bring together two unlikely worlds that, at first glance, seem so different. We wanted to show that they actually have more in common than we think.

Rita Russo
Jul 9 2024 • 3 min reading

Leadership Insights: The role of leadership in the talent of others

Each of us carries within us a unique set of talents which, when discovered and cultivated, can leave a mark on others and on the world.

Maria Cabral de Sousa
Jul 2 2024 • 2 min reading

The Evolution of Web Animations: From GIFs to WebGL

In the ever-evolving world of web design, one aspect that has dramatically transformed the user experience is web animation. From the humble beginnings of simple, looping GIFs to the sophisticated, interactive WebGL animations of today, the journey of web animations is a fascinating one.

Afonso Luís
Jun 25 2024 • 3 min reading

Between Creativity and Excel: Does Project Management Require Creativity, or is it reserved for Web Designers?

As a project manager at a web design and development company, I am surrounded by a group of people with extraordinary artistic talents, whose mission is to create and produce beauty daily. These people, to whom we affectionately call "our creatives," are integral to our company's identity.

Maria Reis da Cunha
Jun 18 2024 • 3 min reading

Emotion-driven design: Creating emotional connections with users

In an increasingly digital world, user experience (UX) design has transcended mere functionality to tap into the emotional realms of users.

Pedro Completo
Jun 11 2024 • 4 min reading

Balancing Client Expectations with Project Management tools

When we start developing a new website, expectations are naturally ambitious. On both sides: the client, and ours, as a web design and development team. There is nothing more motivating and challenging than redesigning the old website into a more modern and up-to-date one.

Tânia Frade
Jun 4 2024 • 3 min reading

The Interview Diaries: 10 Questions with Madalena

This time, we decided to try something different. Amidst drinks, a stunning dinner worthy of a constellation of Michelin stars, and a breathtaking view over the River Tagus, our Madalena, although initially reluctant, agreed to let us interview her for the Softway blog.

Marta Guimarães Ferreira
May 28 2024 • 3 min reading

Blog Softway

Our knowledge. Our passion.

We love the web! We publish on this blog what we know, what drives us ... our passion. Follow us on linkedin where we will share the posts we feature here.

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