5 signs that your website is well done!

Having a good online presence goes much further than simply having a website.

Madalena Moreira Rato
Feb 22 2022 • 2 min reading
5 signs that your website is well done!

And there is nothing more important than having a great website, as it is the gateway to your company, potentially visited by many more people than will enter your office or even your physical store.

There are sites developed based on pre-made templates, which can even serve for a very basic startup of your business, but you can't forget that with the evolution and massification of the internet, visitors are increasingly more demanding and more knowledgeable, and a site that simply works is not enough to be found or to impact your future clients!

That's why it is so important to have a GOOD website, one that differentiates itself from its competition and shows everyone who visits it the real concern you have with their online experience.

So, I leave you with 5 good signs that your site is well done and you can rest assured:

  • It has an impactful and credible design, your site reflects your company and your business, that's why it's so important to be inspiring, to inspire to trust, to make the visitor as your promoter!
  • It is easy to navigate, with clear call to actions, to gain the visitor's attention it is essential that the navigation through the site is simple and engaging. That helps the visitor find what he needs, while directing him to the content you want the visitor not to miss.
  • Has the content updated, with interest for the user. You can never forget that your website is your business's window, visible to any user, so showing dynamic, pertinent and current content will help build the same idea about your business. On the other hand, an outdated site conveys the image of a stagnant company, not very dynamic and with little knowledge in the field.
  • It is optimized for the mobile version, with an impactful navigation and appropriate for smaller screen formats. Don't forget that about 70% of visits to your site are via cell phone and tablet, the concept of mobile first is increasingly important.
  • It is optimized for search engines, is well indexed, with several pages already listed in search results. Organic search is responsible for most visits to sites, so it is essential to work on technical SEO, writing content with the aim that the site appears in search results for the main words / expressions that define your business.

These points are just good examples that I believe will help you get the best online presence!

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