Digital Marketing with "The Golden Circle" at the center

Portuguese companies invest millions in digital marketing strategies to make their products and services reachable to their target. The result of this promotion can be exponential if authenticity and purpose are at the heart of the strategy. That's what attracts and engages.

Maria Cabral de Sousa
Dec 13 2022 • 2 min reading
Digital Marketing with

What is the Golden Circle concept?

The Golden Circle, a concept created by Simon Sinek, explains in a very simple way why some companies can inspire, attract and be more successful than others.

“People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”

The model is simple and challenges organizations to start with the “Why”, continue with the “How” and only then the “What”.

  • In fact, all companies know what they do: What you do?
    the products and services they sell.

  • Some know how to do it: How you do it?
    the strategies to differentiate themselves from the competition and stand out.

  • But not all of them know why they do it: Why do you do it?
    this is not about making money (money is a result), it's about purpose, believes and mission.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is part of our lives, our routines. It happens whenever we access google or social networks and come across advertisements and suggestions that fulfill our needs and match our profile, our tastes, and our digital relationships.

Digital strategies (on websites, blogs, social networks, …) are aimed to promote a brand online, with the goal of promoting. It is one of the most direct and personalized to target your audience and create a community!

Digital Marketing primarily serves to promote products and services, reach customers and potential customers in all corners of the world, with targeted advertising, interaction with consumers online, strengthen your brand authority and interact with your audience.

How to use “The Golden Circle” as the center of Digital Marketing?

In a fast-paced and global world where people are finally at the center of organizations, the search for the “Why”, the purpose and mission of each brand, has never been more relevant.

It is essential to invest in digital marketing strategies to enhance your business but the only way to exponentiate it is with a well-defined purpose behind it.

Today, more than ever, digital marketing strategies must consider the power of authenticity. Authenticity generates identification by consumers and conveys trust. You need to show that your brand has a personality and is consistent with its values ​​and purpose – the answer to “Why do you do it?”.

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