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Digital first: SEO is one of the most impactful tools

It is one of the most important "weapons" in this constant challenge of implementing strategies to make your business more digital.

Maria Cunha
Oct 18 2021 • 2 min reading

Strategies for keeping your website articles up to date

A website with a good section of news, publications or blog articles is, without a doubt, one of the starting points for putting your Content Marketing strategy into practice.

Madalena Moreira Rato
Oct 12 2021 • 3 min reading

4 reasons to create a website and don´t rely only on social media

Following what we experienced last October 4th, in every newspaper around the world we find headlines like: “The blackout of the social networks Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp cost Mark Zuckenberg six billion dollars” … but the question is: and how much did it cost your company?

Maria Cabral de Sousa
Oct 6 2021 • 4 min reading

We are back at the Office

In March 2020 I wrote to you here about “We like to be together, but we chose not to be!” and I posted on this blog that our team would be 100% available but remotely, each one from their home.

Maria Cabral de Sousa
Sep 29 2021 • 2 min reading

The importance of having good content

Content creation is the process of producing engaging and unique content pieces for the right viewers, at the right moment.

João Amador
Aug 10 2021 • 2 min reading

7 things that can improve your website's SEO Ranking

Appearing on the first page of google search is one of the most important things for a business. The first 5 search results are considered the most relevant, with organic clicks on results further down and on the following pages becoming less and less expressive. What can you do to improve your website's SEO ranking and aim for the podium?

Pedro Completo
Jul 13 2021 • 3 min reading

I need to redesign my company website… where do I start?

Start at the beginning: make a good briefing focused on the information you want to share with the web design and web development company that will create your site. A well-done briefing is the first step towards having the right digital positioning and allow your visitors and customers to see you the way you want to be seen!

Maria Cabral de Sousa
Jul 6 2021 • 3 min reading

The need to grow your business's online presence

A brand's online presence has to be properly prepared. It's no use just having an online presence with a poorly thought-out website, you need to get involved and take care of the business as a whole.

João Amador
Jun 29 2021 • 2 min reading

An interested user is a potential client

Despite the diversity of existing channels, the website continues to be the showcase par excellence for many companies to promote their products and services and, therefore, a powerful tool for attracting new business.

Madalena Moreira Rato
Jun 22 2021 • 2 min reading

Blog Softway

Our knowledge. Our passion.

We love the web! We publish on this blog what we know, what drives us ... our passion. Follow us on linkedin where we will share the posts we feature here.

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