The Interview Diaries: 10 questions with Miguel

Softway is made up of people, so we thought we'd let you know another side of our team.

Rafaela Nogueira
Oct 3 2023 • 3 min reading
The Interview Diaries: 10 questions with Miguel

Everyone knows that we are web focused, creative, innovative and technologically rigorous. What you don't know yet is what makes us laugh, what moves us beyond work, what our dreams are or our favourite book.

Today we're sharing "our" Mike with you. He lives to make exciting ideas possible as a senior web developer. In the office, he has already familiarised us with his particular humour and never misses an opportunity to surprise us with the strange sounds his brain motivates him to make.

  1. What profession would you like to have if you weren't working at Softway?
    Something related to justice and money in the world that could have a global impact. Decentralisation of power.

  2. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received, and who gave it to you?
    My grandparents, I think. My maternal grandmother gave me a focus on organisation and my paternal grandfather always instilled in me discipline and rigour. Although I realise that taken to the extreme it can be risky, because wanting everything to be 'just right' becomes burdensome.

  3. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself?
    There's no rush.

  4. If your life were a film, what would the title be and which actor would you choose to play you?
    "The revolution that remains to be made" with Keanu Reeves.

  5. What do you like to do to relax after a day's work?
    Sitting on the sofa watching Youtube in automatic mode, with the sunset coming through my 'big window' and my three girls close by.

  6. What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done or would like to do in the future?
    I'm not very adventurous, but I have climbed Vatnajökull with Marta (my wife), which is Europe's largest glacier in Iceland. I was worried and uncomfortable because I like to have everything under control.

  7. Do you have a "dad joke" that you love and that never fails?
    Yes, my father does it, so I inherited it. There's a knock on the door and he says: between.

  8. If you could have a superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?
    This is difficult without preparation. Hum.... Perhaps the superpower of no time, infinite time. That would allow me to solve all problems - no time, no problems.

  9. What's your favourite book, film or song that you never tire of recommending?
    Capitães da Areia by Jorge Amado and Meu Pé de Laranja Lima, which made me cry when I read it as a child.

  10. What's your favourite office snack, and do you have a secret place to keep it?
    Kit-kat, in my drawer.

Miguel is a 'box' of surprises, we hope he's been surprised as much as we have. Keep following the blog and you'll soon be able to meet someone else from our team.

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