From the beach to the office: 5 tips for Rentrée

We close the shutters, take down the awnings, pack our bags, switch off the gas and water, look back one last time, in a gaze that in seconds is flooded with the happy memories of another summer gone by.

Marta Guimarães Ferreira
Sep 5 2023 • 4 min reading
From the beach to the office: 5 tips for Rentrée

We step into the car, bidding farewell first to our home, then to our cherished café and its familiar patrons, whose weathered faces reflect a sense of sorrow as they witness our annual departure. We wave goodbye to the bakery, its friendly baker, and the comforting aroma of freshly baked bread that has greeted our mornings. Our farewells extend to the street, a path that led us to the beach during the day and guided our uncertain nighttime journeys home after joyful evenings with friends.

In this manner, we part ways with the place we've come to call home, as if we had never left it. We embraced its traditions, its rhythm, and its people, and now, as we confront the inevitability of our departure, we can only carry a fragment of that world with us.

As summer's end draws near, we understand that spirits may wane. That's precisely why we've come to offer solace, encouragement, and, ideally, inspiration to those who find themselves enveloped in a cloud of melancholy and nostalgia as the new season approaches. We encourage you to embrace your inner Nietzsche and wholeheartedly adopt "amor fati," acknowledging that the conclusion of one chapter marks the commencement of another. As Semisonic famously sang in 1998, 'Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.' While some attribute this quote to Seneca, we're inclined to bet on Semisonic.

If any readers are curious about this topic and want to investigate further, please feel free to reach out to us with your findings.” To ensure a seamless transition into this new phase for our readers, we've thoroughly reviewed articles from sources like the Harvard Business Review and Forbes, and we'll be sharing our findings:

  • Make the first day a Catch-up-day: If possible, avoid scheduling meetings on this day. Instead, use it to review what you may have missed during your absence. Your email inbox didn't take a holiday with you, and it might require some attention upon your return. While it may not be the most exciting prospect, catching up on emails will help you reacquaint yourself with important matters that might have been overlooked or put on hold during your time away";
  • Stay connected: September marks the return of teams to full swing, and it might even bring new faces into the mix! Take this opportunity to organize lunches, dinners, or after-work gatherings. If there are no pubs nearby, head to the local kiosk café. The holidays may be over, but the pleasant weather remains (this week of rain is just a temporary setback);
  • Don't underestimate the benefits of a daily dose of alone time: Being the first one in can have its perks. While the camaraderie and energy of a bustling office are enjoyable, moments of solitude, with peaceful silence and no interruptions, can provide the ideal environment to organize your thoughts and kickstart your day. If Einstein found solace in it, there's good reason to believe in its power: “The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulate the creative mind”;
  • Take breaks. Our more attentive readers will know that we've talked about the importance of taking breaks throughout the working day on another occasion. These pauses can manifest as the classic coffee break, a snack, a few scrolls through Instagram, or even a chat in the office kitchenette;
  • And remember to carry a piece of your vacation spirit with you. We're not only referring to sharing the usual post-holiday cheer, but also maintaining some of the habits you've cultivated during your time off. Continue those sunset beach walks, attend the cinema, enjoy the theater, catch a concert, hang out with friends, or plan weekend getaways. Keep the holiday vibe alive in your everyday life.

We understand that the return to the office can present its challenges, but being surrounded by the right people is half the battle in tackling any obstacles that may arise in this new phase. As we conclude, we leave you with one final piece of advice inspired by our office entrance mat: let's all approach this rentrée with nothing but GOOD VIBES ONLY!

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